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Time has made me an empathic motivator.

Failure has made me adaptive.

Success has inspired me to share with others.

emily robinson | lucid marketing master

I learned early in life that I was able to identify other people’s super- powers. When I started working, I realized that I could use that skill combined with my energy and enthusiasm to help people empower themselves.  My joy? Helping people realize their potential by reducing their fear of change. Change is constant, but it doesn’t have to be constantly challenging.  


Why am I good at it? I love to drive myself to grow, and enjoy partnering with others with complementary skills- for smarter (and faster) results. Growing up, I watched my Dad push himself through a Phd program for Computer Science and my mom return to college, when I was 12, to get her teaching credentials. I saw their sacrifices for our family and how hard they had to work because, they were doing it solo, without the benefit of mentors or guides.

While I inherited my parents' ability to work hard, I set my sights on a different path to success. I was determined to find great partners (and be a great partner) in friendship, business and life. 15+ years in media, advertising and marketing has given me lots of opportunity to perfect the art of relationships. Patience, resiliency, diplomacy, creativity, and serving both teams and clients in the pressure cooker of new media startups - has honed my skills of both discovery and delivery.

Along the way, I became interested in supporting other women at work, after I was exposed to the result of defensive and destructive competition between women in my workplace. I decided that I would dedicate a portion of my time to helping other women feel more empowered and help them grow their skills.  Raising a young daughter, this is even more personal - I’m dedicated to having her see her mom taking the leap she has always wanted, and helping both individuals and businesses be more successful by clearer communication, meaningful connection and positive collaboration. 


When I was introduced to Janis, I was in awe. I'd never worked with a leader who led through empathy and inclusion. She not only understood the dynamics of businesses, she helped me navigate my growing role in an evolving company. Beyond templates, tools, and life experience to help me develop my skills, she helped me develop my existing instinct to collaborate into a working style that benefited both the department I led- as well as my company. 


More often than not, executive training is skill based and not relationship based. What you get done, is more important than, How you get it done.  As a newly minted Millennial executive, I'd ask why do we do that? The response was often, “you're a VP, you should know”. 

In reflection, my work with Janis' consultancy LUCID seems like something every new business manager or leader should invest in.  In complement to the daily high-paced, high-stakes, too busy at work activity, I had a "safe space" to ask questions, sound out ideas, get perspective and reflect on how I might actively tune my approach for increasingly positive impact.

Mobility, automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics mean more than ever - Marketing and Communication must engage in "authentic action" as much as "say & tell".  I joined LUCID, because I've put this into action, and want to support other leaders to learn how to integrate more empathy and inclusion as secret weapons to scale their business in the age of social media.


Great communication comes from understanding - understanding includes a growing priority to invest in clear communication with internal employees as well as external customers.  I help managers and their teams execute quickly, become more agile, and attract and grow their customers with tools and skills for a today that is mobile, social, and changing every day.


While the majority of my time is spent as the head of Marketing for, I'm available as a mentor, and I also advise, Brite Catalyst, mBolden Championing Women in Media,  Women of Sac, and Kate Kons, to grow their brands.  And through aggressive time blocking, enjoy a full house of cat, dog, a toddler, a pre-schooler, husband and lots of adventuring.


© 2024 LUCID Navigation, LLC.

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